Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words....

Marielle is not into sports in any big way. She usually will try something once and then state that she is through with that sport and will never try it again. I've tried to explain that, like just about anything in life, practice makes you better. But Marielle doesn't believe that's true, especially with sports.

This weekend, we were at a gathering and a bunch of the kids were playing baseball, very loosely...grab a bat, hit the ball...no bases, just hit it and then someone else gets a turn. So Marielle decided to give it a try....

Can you guess how Marielle felt about it?

She did actually hit the ball by the way!

Thanks, Tiara, for this awesome shot!


  1. WoW! Look how she kept her eye on the ball!! That's why she hit it so well!!
    I loved softball...but after throwing and hitting a baseball with my son I feel cheated after playing with a big ball for all those years!

    Go Marielle!!
